A truth / Una verdad

La fase más difícil en la vida no es cuando otros no te comprenden, sino cuando uno no se comprende a sí mismo.

Les dejo esta cita que encontré en Life Quotes para que recuerden la importancia de estar centrados y no perder la comunicación con uno mismo. Buen fin de semana! Y Felíz Día del Niño para todos!

I found this quote via Life Quotes and I wanted to share it with you. Remember to have permanent communication with yourself. Have a nice weekend and enjoy Children's Day!

2 comentarios:

Just White dijo...

thank you for visiting my blog ;-)

ti-igra dijo...

Yes, it is a tru!

Sometimes I am sitting and thinking about: what I may to do in my life, what about I must work?

So, I wish you, my wonderful, kind friend, Kirochka, to know what is important and enjoyable for you?

And to be in good, fairy tale mood! You are so smart and talented, be yourself! HUGS!
Your friend, Ira :)