Morning songs / Melodías mañaneras

I'm doing some sketches for a childrén's book. Here's the main character enjoying the songs of the morning. Have a great week! Full of sweet melodies and sunshine!/ Estoy haciendo algunas pruebas para ilustrar un cuento infantil. Acá está el personaje principal, disfrutando de las melodías de la mañana. Tengan una semana brillante! Llena de canciones dulces!

2 comentarios:

ti-igra dijo...

What a wonderful mood of this song! :) how beautiful colors, Kira! And this is a dreamy, something spreads so nice, as a transparent tropical fruits :D Ummm! :)
Thank you for wonderful feelings of the morning! Wish you have a melodic week :)
Obnimayu! Din'-don!

beauty comma dijo...

hi! i looked at your watercolour paintings and i think they're super cute! lovely, happy colours, too.

thank you for visiting my blog - hope to see you back! and, yes: i like argentine tango, i've been dancing this dance for seven years now. i hope to visit buenos aires to learn more one day. do you dance?

have a lovely weekend!